Our Classes

Healing the Whole Self Retreats

Nutrition for Health


Understanding healthy nutrition is about more than knowing about calories, fats, carbohydrates and proteins. Our approach to nutrition involves understanding what food choices we make and how they are optimized to best fit our underlying nature (or Dosha in Ayurvedic teaching). We will help you understand better how your underlying nature interacts with foods of different types and how to more consciously make food choices which are best suited for you as an individual. Knowing what to eat however is only part of the answer to eating for health. In this class we also discuss the bigger issues of why we eat and why so many of us have lost the ability to discern when we are hungry and when we are full. Food has become the defacto answer to dealing with stress, pain, boredom, celebrations and do on instead of serving the main purpose of providing nutrition to sustain our bodies and minds. These teachings will be reenforced throughout the week-end retreat, by. proving participants with meals that honor and respect the principles of mindful eating for nutrition and health.

Healthy mind - healthy body

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The human brain is one of the most complex and sophisticated biological systems in the world yet few of us truly understand how to work with and use this precious organ; more specifically, that function we call the mind. For many, 'the tail now ‘wags the dog’ as we have become subservient to our thoughts, opinions and desires often not realizing that many of these thoughts and ideas (especially in relation to that individual we call ‘the self’) were not ours at all but those which our society and family have placed there. Understanding how to work with these thoughts and ideas as well as how to be the master of our own mind is a life-long work. We will explore a number of techniques (such as meditation, mindful movement (yoga, walking meditation, creative art and journaling) which we can bring into our daily lives in order to have a more focused, calm and peaceful thought life. Through the work of sacred communication we will teach individuals how to utilize this powerful approach to healthy and respectful interpersonal communication.

Getting to the “Real Me; My Higher Self”


From the time we are born we have had identities imposed on us by family, culture and circumstances. Many of these identities served useful purposes in allowing us to live in our families and communities. By the time we are adults we have identified with so many labels and identities (parent, offspring, profession, religious affiliation etc) that we have forgotten who we were before the labels came on. Through discussions, meditations and breath work we will guide the participants in understanding what labels they identify with. Understanding who we think we are and reflecting on which identities are no longer serving our good is a key first step towards liberation from the control of our Ego (basically that label/identity we used to navigate life. The ego is there to serve our needs and not the other way around. True freedom comes from understanding that fact and in learning how to free ourselves from the mental prison we call “Being stuck in ourselves”.

Walking the Medicine Wheel; A Shamanic Approach to Health and Wellness (English)


The medicine wheel has served as a focal point for physical, mental, and spiritual exploration among the indigenous peoples across the world. We will be using the medicine wheel as it relates to the wisdom teachings of the peoples of the Peruvian Andes as well as the Amazon to explore holistic living from a physical (serpent archetype), mental (jaguar archetype), mythical/soul (hummingbird archetype) and spiritual (Eagle/Condor archetype) perspectives. Through the practice of meditation, Shamanic journeying, Fire Ceremonies as well as illuminations and Soul retrieval, yoga, hiking and breath work participants will work on creating a path towards wholeness. No experience is necessary to participate in this retreat and all faith traditions as welcome. 

Caminando la rueda de la medicina en español; Un enfoque chamánico para la salud y el bienestar que chamánico para la salud y el bienestar. 

La rueda de la medicina ha servido como punto focal para la exploración física, mental y espiritual entre los pueblos indígenas de todo el mundo. Usaremos la rueda de la medicina en relación con las enseñanzas de sabiduría de los pueblos de los Andes peruanos y del Amazonas para explorar la vida holística desde un punto de vista físico (arquetipo de serpiente), mental (arquetipo de jaguar), mítico/alma (arquetipo de colibrí). ) y espiritual (arquetipo del Águila/Cóndor). A través de la práctica de la meditación, el viaje chamánico, las ceremonias de fuego, así como las iluminaciones y la recuperación del alma, el yoga, el senderismo y el trabajo de respiración, los participantes trabajarán para crear un camino hacia la plenitud. No se necesita experiencia para participar en este retiro y todas las tradiciones de fe son bienvenidas. 

Book a Retreat

Book a retreat week end and give yourself the gift of taking the next step to building a life of physical health, mental clarity and spiritual liberation