About Us

“Heaven is not a place. It is a state of Consciousness” Rev. Michael Bernard Beckwith

Cielo means “Heaven” in Spanish. The word heaven has many cultural and religious connotations but at Cielo Sanctuary we interpret the word ‘heaven’ in a similar way as the Reverend Michael Bernard Beckwith (spiritual leader of Agape International Spiritual Center) describes it. We believe that heaven is not a physical place where only a small select group of individuals go if they have chosen the “right religion” but rather a state of consciousness that all are invited to enter into. Living in this state does not separate us from life but rather it allows us to live our lives more joyfully and fully. This heaven that we enter into “is a realm of ever-expanding good; a realm of infinite possibilities” (Michael Bernard Beckwith - Spiritual Liberation: Fulfilling Your Soul’s Potential). When we enter this state of conscious living we walk this world with less judgment, less need for external approval and accolades, and more generosity of spirit and personal resources. We realize that we are the only ones that place a limit on what is possible for our personal development. In essence our focus changes from “What is in it for me ?" to “How can I become more of me and thus serve to be a beneficial presence on the planet?”

At Cielo Sanctuary, our philosophy is that achieving “Heaven Consciousness” is not a far-off possibility limited to a few religious individuals who have separated themselves from life in the “real” world but rather “a state of conscious living” into which we are all invited.

We offer retreats that are structured in several different formats in order to meet various personal needs:

Our “Healing the Whole Self” retreats are designed around the philosophy that “We are not human beings having a spiritual experience; we are spiritual beings having a human experience” (Pierre Teihard de Chardin). As such we need to take care of our physical bodies and our mind in order to be able to fully experience the duality of being fully human and fully spiritual.

In the “Walking the Medicine Wheel; A Shamanic Approach to Wellness Retreats” we explore the ancient wisdom teachings of the Amazon and Andes mountains as well as those of modern day quantum physics and cutting edge medical science to tap into our body’s intrinsic wisdom as we reconnect to the healing powers of nature as expressed through our Mother Earth and its energizing life force.

En el “Caminando la rueda de la medicina en español; Un enfoque chamánico para la salud y el bienestar que chamánico para la salud y el bienestar”: También ofreceremos el programa “Walking the Medicine Wheel Retreat” en español para aquellos que prefieren el español como su idioma principal de comunicación). (We will also be offering the Medicine Wheel Retreat program in Spanish for those who prefer Spanish as their primary communication language).

At all of our retreats we draw from the wisdom of ancient traditions as well as cutting edge medical science to nurture and heal our bodies and minds. Classes include teachings on nutrition and health, breath work, healthy movement (yoga, hiking), meditation and non-violent communication (Sacred Listening). Based on the foundation of a healthy body and a sound mind we then explore the deeper spiritual questions of “what is our true identity” versus what our ego tells us we are. What is the inner work that each of us is compelled to undertake in order to live this life in a state of “Heaven Consciousness”?




To help promote healing in the world by helping individuals discover new insights into themselves  and the universe we live in, facilitating healing and growth towards wholeness.

Mission Statement

To create a retreat space that is safe, trustworthy and a judgment free environment whereby individuals can find holistic personal growth and healing; physically, emotionally/mentally and spiritually. In order to facilitate this, we draw knowledge from the world’s Wisdom traditions, indigenous people’s knowledge and cutting-edge medical science and psychology.


1.        Love

2.       Integrity

3.        Compassion

4.       Respect

5.        Confidentiality

6.       Safety

7.        Deep Listening

8.       Generosity of Spirit and resources


“Health is not merely the absence of disease but the wholeness of body, mind and spirit.”

— Carmelo Graffagnino

Make it stand out.

Learn More About Our Retreats.